Tuesday, April 12, 2011

ASU library website

The ASU library website is truly amazing. I'm still in library school and articles, podcasts etc. from ASU have been shown repeatedly as an example of good librarianship. I am continually impressed with the work they are doing. I think that the librarians at ASU have succeeded in creating a library catalog that is also a vibrant and data rich community. By utilizing most of the well-known forms of social technology, ie: Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and the like, the library has captured at least 2 of the 4 C's, conversation and community. They've created community by getting out of the library, and by bringing the rest of the school in by advertising school events, creating podcasts and videos to discuss and share other campus events, and by hosting school events. By engaging in the above activities the library has made themselves relevant to the community beyond just lending them books and providing information. I think the library does engage in some collaboration to a degree by enabling the creation of tag clouds, and working with other departments at the university via podcasts, etc. Aside from tag cloud creation I don't think that site really allows for content creation on the part of the users but I don't think it necessarily has to either. Content creation has its place within the school  community but I don't think the library website is the place for it except within strict parameters, such as patron reviews (podcast or video) and other things like that. The library website should be primarily controlled by the agreed upon department. Patrons should not be allowed to add content without the oversight of a librarian. It's important that the library catalog works efficiently for users and allowing people to muck about adding their own content, to me, is not a good idea. Overall, CSU's website is memorable and enviable - definitely something to work toward in my own library site.

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